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Adlai E. Stevenson quotes

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1962.

The relationship of the toastmaster to the speaker should be the same as that of the fan to the fan dancer. It should call attention to the subject without making any particular effort to cover it.


There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody.


A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.


Let us talk sense to the American people. Let us tell them the truth, that there are no gains without pains.


Understanding human needs is half the job of meeting them.


The time to stop a revolution is at the beginning, not the end.


In America, anyone can become president. That's one of the risks you take.


The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step. So we must never neglect any work of peace within our reach, however small.


Respect for intellectual excellence, the restoration of vigor and discipline to our ideas of study, curricula which aim at strengthening intellectual fiber and stretching the power of young minds, personal commitment and responsibility - these are the preconditions of educational recovery in America today; and, I believe, they have always been the preconditions of happiness and sanity for the human race.


It is often easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.


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