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Anonymous quotes

Courage is a special kind of knowledge: the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought no to be feared.


True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.


The survival of the fittest is the ageless law of nature, but the fittest are rarely the strong. The fittest are those endowed with the qualifications for adaptation, the ability to accept the inevitable and conform to the unavoidable, to harmonize with existing or changing conditions.


The English language has a deceptive air of simplicity; so have some little frocks; but they are both not the kind of thing you can run up in half an hour with a machine.


In the long run, we get no more than we have been willing to risk giving.


Happiness is like a kiss...you must share it to enjoy it.


Today a young man on Acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one conscienceness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death. Life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves. Now here's Tom with the weather.


Unless the investment in children is made, all of humanity's most fundamental long-term problems will remain fundamental long-term problems.


My goal in life is to survive. Everything else is just a bonus.


Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.


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