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Anonymous quotes

To save a Life in defeat, is to receive Victory and Honor.


There are three things which if one does not know, one cannot live long in the world: what is too much for one, what is too little for one, and what is just right for one.


It's life, Jim... but not as we know it.


It is not really difficult to construct a series of inferences, each dependent upon its predecessor and each simple in itself. If, after doing so, one simply knocks out all the central inferences and presents one's audience with the starting-point and the conclusion, one may produce a startling, though perhaps a meretricious, effect.


I like to take these long walks, mostly at night and look up at all the darkened windows. I just wonder what peoples lives are like and what they're dreaming about. And one night I was out pretty late, and as usual, all of the windows were dark, except one and I stepped and looked up, and I saw you, standing there, and you were crying. I thought what was it that made you so sad. I like to see peoples faces, when they are just falling in love, or making up from a fight, or even if they are just grieving. There's something beautiful about a persons face at that moment, and yours was incredible...confused..shocked.


Memory is like an orgasm. It's a lot better if you don't have to fake it.


Tact is, after all, a kind of mind reading.


Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.


The art of leading, in operations large or small, is the art of dealing with humanity, of working diligently on behalf of men, of being sympathetic with them, but equally, of insisting that they make a square facing toward their own problems.


All prosperity begins in the mind and is dependent only on the full use of our creative imagination.


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