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Ulysses S. Grant quotes

It has been my misfortune to be engaged in more battles than any other general on the other side of the Atlantic; but there was never a time during my command when I would not have chosen some settlement by reason rather than the sword.


Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves.


Everyone has his superstitions. One of mine has always been when I started to go anywhere, accomplished.


Everyone has his superstitions. One of mine has always been when I started to go anywhere, or to do anything, never to turn back or to stop until the thing intended was accomplished.


I appreciate the fact, and am proud of it, that the attentions I am receiving are intended more for our country than for me personally.


I have acted in every instance from a conscientious desire to do what was right, constitutional, within the law, and for the very best interests of the whole people. Failures have been errors of judgment, not of intent.


I never held a council of war in my life. I heard what men had to say - the stream of talk at headquarters - but I made up my own mind, and from my written orders my staff got their first knowledge of what was to be done. No living man knew of plans until they matured and decided.


I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.


Although a soldier by profession, I have never felt any sort of fondness for war, and I have never advocated it, except as a means of peace.


If you see the President, tell him from me that whatever happens there will be no turning back.


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