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Eduardo Chillida quotes

Spanish sculptor considered one of the greatest artists of the 2nd half of the 20th c., 1924-2002

The conditions you need to be a good goalkeeper are exactly the same conditions you need to be a good sculptor. You must have a very good connection, in both professions, with time and space.


Art is that which comes to a man, and stands between himself and an implacable witness: the work.


Nobody can teach what is inside a person; it has to be discovered for oneself and a way must be found to express it.


In my work, I have never had any use for anything that I have known in advance.


To look is one thing, to see is another thing; to see is very difficult, normally; to look is to try to see. I have looked and I hope I have seen.


Whatever I know how to do, I’ve already done. Therefore I must always do what I do not know how to do.


The hand has the richest articulation of space.


One can never know enough. The unknown and its call lies even in what we know.


What comes from oneself, is nearly from no one... There is only me as a link.


Boundaries are actually the main factor in space, just as the present, another boundary, is the main factor in time.


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