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The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different.

   Aldous Huxley quotes


All men have poetry in their hearts, and it is necessary for them, as much as possible, to express their feelings. For this they must have a medium, moving and pliant, which can refreshingly become their own, age after age. All great languages undergo change. Those languages which resist the spirit of change are doomed and will never produce great harvests of thought and literature. When forms become fixed, the spirit either weakly accepts its imprisonment or rebels. All revolutions consists of the "within" fighting against invasion from "without"... All great human movements are related to some great idea.

   Rabindranath Tagore quotes


I feel certain that the personal computer is as revolutionary in terms of the way it will change the way we work, learn, and entertain ourselves as any of these previous advances.

   Bill Gates quotes


Be thou incapable of change in that which is right, and men will rely upon thee. Establish unto thyself principles of action; and see that thou ever act according to them. First know that thy principles are just, and then be thou.

   Akhenaton quotes


It is a secret both in nature and state, that it is safer to change many things than one.

   Francis Bacon, Sr. quotes


Because we now have a research group, and we are out there working with lots of universities and are able to continue to hire great people, I'm very optimistic about our future. But, it is a future full of change and surprise.

   Bill Gates quotes


This life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed with a desire to change his bed.

   Charles Baudelaire quotes


Don't you drink? I notice you speak slightingly of the bottle. I have drunk since I was fifteen and few things have given me more pleasure. When you work hard all day with your head and know you must work again the next day what else can change your ideas and make them run on a different plane like whisky? When you are cold and wet what else can warm you? Before an attack who can say anything that gives you the momentary well-being that rum does? The only time it isn't good for you is when you write or when you fight. You have to do that cold. But it always helps my shooting. Modern life, too, is often a mechanical oppression and liquor is the only mechanical relief.

   Ernest Hemingway quotes


Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as you can change your beliefs.

   Anonymous quotes


I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.

   Anonymous quotes


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