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Change quotes

Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in you life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.

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When you're around someone so much, for so long, they become a part of you, and when they change or go away, you don't know who you are without them.-Sarah Headley

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You've changed so much. I guess that's what happens. I wish you knew how much you've changed me. I wonder if I've changed you; if your life is different because of me. Because mine's different. My god, you taught me so much, and now we don't even talk to each other. I guess that's what happens...

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Change is good, but dollars are better.

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Friends are like television. Some are like PBS and always asking for money. Others are like the news, with sad tales to tell everyday, some are like that one station with the foreing language; you don't understand a word of it but you listen and watch anyway. And then there are the ones like the commercials, always changes, ever-so-annoying and only seem to be there when you are bored. But every once and a while you meet someone who's like a really good movie of the week or that one tv show you hardly ever get to see anymore because you're so busy. My point is hold on to the friends you care about and since we don't have a remote control to mute someone or just change the channel, pick your friends carefully.

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The only one thing I can change is myself, but sometimes that makes all of the difference.

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Seasons change, friends move away, and life goes on from day to day. Flowers fade and streams go dry and many times we wonder why. Yet we can always be assured because God tells us in His Word, that unlike changes in the weather, love goes on and lasts forever!

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