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Love quotes

We come to love not by finding a perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Anonymous quotes


Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also to those who need it so much.

Anonymous quotes


What is Love? Alright. You know how when you're listening to music from another room, and you're singing along, because it's a tune you really love, when the door closes, or a train passes, and you can't hear the music anymore, but you sing along anyway, then no matter how much time passes when you hear the music again, you're still in the exact same time. That's what it's like.

Anonymous quotes


Out of the blue, you waltz back into my heart. When I’m just about over you, you tear me apart. With your smooth talking words, and promises from yesterday. With the sound of your voice and the things that you say. I just want to warn you, give you a notice, I just want to say: I hope that you mean it. For I’ve loved you too long to get none in return. I’ve loved you too long and the pain in me burns. So please just remember, the next time that you talk: my heart’s made of glass and love’s lies only rock. It’s fragile, you see, easily broken, and the false-mask of love, easily spoken. So be sure what you mean, and mean what you say, and hopefully truth is all you’ll convey.

Anonymous quotes


Love is like a lost article, it shows up when and where you least expect it.

Anonymous quotes


If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with eachother, they will find a way.

Anonymous quotes


If we discovered that we had only five minutes left to say all that we wanted to say, every telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to stammer that they loved them.

Anonymous quotes


It is lack of love for ourselves that inhibits our compassion toward others. If we make friends with ourselves, then there is no obstacle to opening our hearts and minds to others.

Anonymous quotes


Some people never say the words 'I love you.' It's not their style to be so bold. Some people never say those words: 'I love you.' But, like a child, they're longing to be told.

Paul Simon quotes


Watch me at the window from your place on the couch, watch me pretending that I am really looking out. You say 'come here, I can't see you in this light,' but I'm much safer beside the moon tonight. 'Cause when I am a silhouette/ I have no fear, you can love me from here, when I am a silhouette, I can give myself to you and you'd never see through, Never through. Don't come too close or you'll see my edges rough, and you'll make me wonder if I will be enough. You make me worry that somehow you will see, that there is always something small and trembling in me. ...No place to hide in your single bed, no look of mine that you haven't read, I've always been an easy read, just once I want to be a mystery. So though you tell me that it will be all right, I'm much safer beside the moon tonight.

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