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Thinking quotes

Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it.

   Bill Bradley quotes


I suppose you think that persons who are as old as your father and myself are always thinking about very grave things, but I know that we are meditating the same old themes that we did when we were ten years old, only we go more gravely about it.

   Henry David Thoreau quotes


In our daily lives problems are bound to arise. The biggest problems in our lives are the ones that we inevitably have to face, like old age, illness, and death. Trying to avoid our problems or simply not thinking about them may provide temporary relief, but I think that there is a better approach. If you directly confront your suffering, you will be in a better position to appreciate the depth and nature of the problem. If you are in a battle, as long as you remain ignorant of the status and combat capability of your enemy, you will be totally unprepared and paralyzed by fear. However, if you know the fighting capability of your opponents, what sort of weapons they have and so on, then you’re in a much better position when you engage in war. In the same way, if you confront your problems rather than avoid them, you will be in a better position to deal with them.

   Dalai Lama quotes


It seems that fears are all based on these things: illusion and future thinking, with a side order of 'What if.' 'What if that truck turns suddenly into our lane' 'What if I'm all alone at age 80?' What if? What if? What if? Yes, fears must be respected and learned about, but they must not paralyze us, or lure us into a half-life of being afraid all the time. I liked to think of my fears being driven away in a Rolls Royce (for it is true that once you face a fear, it loses all of its stuffing, and will sit quietly in the back seat and do as it's told.) I feel that fears drive us away from our true selves--innocent beings. I used to live in denial of my fears, and try to cover them up with a 'happy face.' I now see that my greatest growth is happening with an acceptance of my fears, of giving them voices and learning new ways to deal with them.

   Anonymous quotes


The trick is to stop thinking it as 'your' money.

   Anonymous quotes


Language is a wonderful thing. It can be used to express thoughts, to conceal thoughts, but more often, to replace thinking.

   Anonymous quotes


People told me I shouldn’t take everything too seriously, and I didn’t listen. Now I wish I had, because I tormented myself over every little thing. What’s bad is when you get to age 19, you’re looking back thinking, “I wish I could be young again and just have a better time.

   Anonymous quotes


The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.

   Anonymous quotes


The ideal life is in our blood and never will be still. Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing -- where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger, which he knows that he was meant and made to do.

   Anonymous quotes


Sometimes people fill their minds with the stupidest things to keep themselves from thinking about things that are really important.

   Anonymous quotes


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