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Truth quotes

People say friends must always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there.

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If you always tell the truth you never have to remember what you said.

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There is nothing stronger than true love. You must believe to understand, and you must understand to believe. If you don't believe, you can't understand, and, if you don't understand, you can't believe.

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He who does not live life to it's fullest can never know the true meaning of life ...

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Why is it, when your looking for that someone, you find no one, but, once you find it, a lot more choices start showing up? But, if you leave that first love, then, they all start drifting away? Is that love's way of testing your true feelings or to see if your ready for love?

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You can't undo anything you've already done, but you can face up to it. You can tell the truth. You can seek forgiveness. And then let God do the rest.

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There is no truth, only human opinion.

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The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your heart that says you'll never leave me, and the touch of your hand says you'll catch me whevever I fall.

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Our inner strengths, experiences, and truths cannot be lost, destroyed, or taken away. Every person has an inborn worth and can contribute to the human community. We all can treat one another with dignity and respect, provide opportunities to grow toward our fullest lives and help one another discover and develop our unique gifts. We each deserve this and we all can extend it to others.

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It's not enough to have a dream unless I'm willing to pursue it. It's not enough to know what's right unless I'm strong enough to do it. It's not enough to join the crowd, to be acknowledged and accepted. I must be true to my ideals, even if I'm excluded and rejected. It's not enough to learn the truth unless I also learn to live it. It's not enough to reach for love unless I care enough to give it.

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