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Smile quotes

I have never understood why when you pass a stranger on the street you ask them how they are doing, but then don't wait for the answer. I know that if you did wait for their answer they probably wouldn't go into much detail, but still, just think about this. What if a person you pass on the street is thinking about committing suicide and you ask them how they are? If you just wait for their answer like you should, they might just tell you how terrible they are feeling and that they are thinking of committing suicide. You might be able to change their minds and make them feel better about themselves and therefore save their lives. Ok, ok, maybe I've gone a bit to far, but the next time you're passing a person on the street, at least smile at them. For me.-Priscilla Points

   Anonymous quotes


I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me. Love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person. Love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of. Love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still get weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.

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Don't go for the looks, it can be quite decieving. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away -- go for someone who makes you smile because only a smile makes a dark day seem bright. Hope you find that person.

   Anonymous quotes


You are one of the best things that's ever happened to me. You're my love and my best friend. And every day that goes by, it seems like I discover something new about you to love. It's incredible to me how one person can make such a big difference in my life. You touch me in a way no one else ever has and give me so many reasons to smile. I've never been so happy...and I've never been so much in love.

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