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Christmas quotes

Until one feels the spirit of Christmas, there is no Christmas. All else is outward display - so much tinsel and decorations. For it isn't the holly, it isn't the snow. It isn't the tree not the firelight's glow. It's the warmth that comes to the hearts of men when the Christmas spirit returns again.

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Christmas gift suggestions from Oren Arnold: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.

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Your Merry Christmas may depend upon what others do for you...but your Happy New Year depends upon what you do for others.

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There's more, much more, to Christmas Than candlelight and cheer; It's the spirit of sweet friendship That brightens all year. It's thoughtfulness and kindness, It's hope reborn again, For peace, for understanding, And for goodwill to men!

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Best of all, Christmas means a spirit of love, a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God.

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Love so easily understands what you can see is the smallest part; you don't need Christmas in your hands when you have Christmas in your heart.

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When we're good to one another it's Christmastime whenever we're together.

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Your friendship is a glowing ember through the year; and each December trom its warm and living spark We kindle flame against the dark and with its shining radiance light our tree of faith on Christmas night.

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It is the spirit of brotherhood in the cheer of Christmas that makes it so glorious. Brotherliness is but the manifestation of the spirit of Christ.

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