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Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quotes

You commit a sin of omission if you do not utilize all the power that is within you. All men have claims on man, and to the man with special talents, this is a very special claim. It is required that a man take part in the actions and clashes of his time that the peril of being judged not to have lived at all.


To be 70 years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be 40 years old.


This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice.


The riders in a race do not stop when they reach the goal. There is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill. There is time to hear the kind voices of friends and say to oneself, 'The work is done.'


The great act of faith is when a man decides he is not God.


Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water bath is to the body.


Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprung up.


It seems to me that at this time we need education in the obvious more than the investigation of the obscure.


I despise making the most of one's time. Half of the pleasures of life consist of the opportunities one has neglected.


Beware how you take away hope from any human being.


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