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Bill Gates quotes

I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in.


Anytime we have new forms of communication, it changes behavior whether it is political or business or any type of behavior. Radio and TV did that. The PC will be classed as big or bigger an advancement in communications than those devices were.


I think all students start off with incredible ability and curiosity, and if they're given the opportunity to pursue that, if they're given a chance to see the neat things about the world in terms that they can appreciate and enjoy, that their abilities will be reinforced and that we'll really achieve so much more potential out of the great students we have than we do today.


I'd say that my job, throughout all this, has been, I think, the most fun job I can imagine having. And partly the people I've gotten to work with outside the company. Certainly there are great people inside the company. And certainly, for at least a decade or so, that will just continue to be the case.


If I'd had some set idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?


If we weren't still hiring great people and pushing ahead at full speed, it would be easy to fall behind and become a mediocre company.


If you get health, then you have opportunity for literacy. Health first, then literacy. Once you have literacy, then you have a chance to bring in the new tools of communication. Let people reach out and have access to the latest advances.


If you give people tools, [and they use] their natural ability and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected.


I see a lot of change, a lot of opportunity. We're not just talking about taking the advances of the past and suffusing them out into 100 percent of companies. We're talking about new waves, and new ways of thinking about the Internet, and that's going to keep all of our jobs very, very exciting.


If you're asking whether I intentionally mess up my hair, no, I don't. And certain things, like my freckles, they're just there. I don't do anything consciously. I suppose I could get contact lenses. I suppose I could comb my hair more often.


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