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Henry Ward Beecher quotes

Liberal US Congregational minister, 1813-1887

A noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea which is higher than himself; and a mean man, by one lower than himself. The one produces aspiration; the other ambition, which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires.


A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.


Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.


All words are pegs to hang ideas on.


A helping word to one in trouble is often like a switch on a railroad track... an inch between wreck and smooth, rolling prosperity.


Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low.


A man's true state of power and riches is to be in himself.


Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.


A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.


A tool is but the extension of a man's hand, and a machine is but a complex tool. And he that invents a machine augments the power of a man and the well-being of mankind.


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