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Lao Tzu quotes

China taoist philosopher (BC 600)

The softest things in the world to overcome the hardest things in the world.


For all things difficult to acquire, the intelligent man works with perseverance.


A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him.


People in their handlings of affairs often fail when they are about to succeed. If one remains as careful at the end as he was at the beginning, there will be no failure.


To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.


A scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar.


When the effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally.


Such is the essential mystery.


Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it, because they have no way to change it. So the flexible overcome the adamant, the yielding overcome the forceful. Everyone knows this, but no one can do it.


To lead the people, walk behind them.


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