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Chavela Vargas quotes

The best of the Mexican 'cancion ranchera' singers, 1919-

I am a friend of life, at 80 life tells me to behave like a woman and not like an old woman.


I went to Mexico because it has a magic that does not have any other country in the world, but I insist, do not think it was vini, vidi e vinci. There were many years of fight, because Mexico is a very unsociable country where it seems women have to be sweet and self-denying.


When you like something, you should do it all night long.


I've had to fight to be myself and to be respected. I'm proud to carry this stigma and call myself a lesbian. I don't boast about it or broadcast it, but I don't deny it. I've had to confront society and the Church, which says that homosexuals are damned. That's absurd. How can someone who's born like this be judged? I didn't attend lesbian classes. No one taught me to be this way. I was born this way, from the moment I opened my eyes in this world. I've never been to bed with a man. Never. That's how pure I am; I have nothing to be ashamed of. My gods made me the way I am.


At the begining they wanted me to sing as sweet as a flower, even Ernesto Alonso put me a strapless dress and high heels and as soon as I went down the stairs I fell. I didn't even make it to the stage.


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