Our nature is obscured by work done by the compulsion of want or fear. The mother reveals herself in the service of her children, so our true freedom is not the freedom from action but freedom in action, which can only be attained in the work of love. Our creation is the modification of relationship. Obstacles are necessary companions to expression, and we know that the positive element in language is not in its obstructiveness. Exclusively viewed from the side of the obstacle, nature appears inimical to the idea of morality. But if that were absolutely true, moral life could never come to exists. Life, moral or physical, is not a completed fact, but a continual process, depending for its movement upon two contrary forces, the force of resistance and that of expression. Dividing these forces into two mutually opposing principles does not help us, for the truth dwells not in the opposition but in its continual reconciliation. Objects of knowledge maintain an infinite distance from us who are the knowers. For knowledge is not union. Therefore the further world of freedom awaits us there where we reach truth, not through feeling it by senses or knowing it by reason, but through union of perfect sympathy. Night's darkness is the bag that bursts with the gold of the dawn. Never be afraid of the moments - thus sings the voice of the ever-lasting. Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it. Music fills the infinite between two souls. This has been muffled by the mist of our daily habits. Love is not a mere impulse, it must contain truth, which is law. Man’s cry is to reach his fullest expression. |