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Rabindranath Tagore quotes

Bengali poet, playwright, essayist...1913 Nobel Prize for Literature.1861-1941

Facts are many, but the truth is one.


Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it.


I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.


To understand anything is to find in it something which is our own, and it is the discovery of ourselves outside us which makes us glad. This relation of understanding is partial, but the relation of love is complete. In love the sense of difference is obliterated and the human soul fulfills its purpose in perfection, transcending the limits of itself and reaching across the threshold of the infinite. Therefore love is the highest bliss that man can attain to, for through it alone he truly knows that he is more than himself, and that he is at one with the All.


We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.


We can make truth ours by actively modulating its inter-relations. This is the work of art; for reality is not based in the substance of things but in the principle of relationship. Truth is the infinite pursued by metaphysics; fact is the infinite pursued by science, while reality is the definition of the infinite which relates truth to the person. Reality is human; it is what we are conscious of, by which we are affected, that which we express.


We can look upon a road from two different points of view. One regards it as dividing us from the object of desire; in that case we count every step of our journey over it as something attained by force in the face of obstruction. The other sees it as the road which leads us to our destination; and as such is part of our goal. It is already the beginning of our attainment, and by journeying over it we can only gain that which in itself it offers to us.


We believe that mere movement is life, and that the more velocity it has, the more it expresses vitality.


We [poets] set men free from their desires.


Truth cannot afford to be tolerant where it faces positive evil.


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