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Vincent van Gogh quotes

Dutch painter, one of the greatest of the Post-Impressionists, 1853-1890

Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.


It is better to be high-spirited even though one makes more mistakes, than to be narrow-minded and all to prudent.


It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to. . . . The feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures.


The best way to know God is to love many things.


But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things.


Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.


I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people


I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.


I wish they would only take me as I am.


In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing


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