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Miguel de Unamuno quotes

Spanish educator, philosopher, and author, 1864-1936

Wait, only he who waits lives. But he fears the day in which his hopes become just a memory.


He who has no desire to become someone, will end up being no one.


The faults we don't possess don't bother us.


What we don't hope for we can't believe, nor can we believe in what we don't hope for.


Let this be said once and for all: it's not about avoiding pain, because pain is inevitable; it's about choosing the consequences of pain.


There is something sweet and calming, and wise above everything else, in which what men in this world call being bored.


Snobbish pride is abstaining from acting in order to avoid exposing ourselves to criticism.


Only he who knows is free, and even more free is the one knows more...Only culture yeilds freedom...don't profess the freedom to fly, but give wings instead; not that of thinking, but of thoughts. The freedom we must give to the people is that of culture.


Do not give anyone what they ask for, but what you understand they actually need; then put up with the ungratefulness later.


The last and final justice is forgiveness.


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