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Oscar Wilde quotes

Irish poet, dramatist, novelist and critic, 1854-1900

There is no such thing as an omen. Destiny does not send us heralds. She is too wise or too cruel for that.


The value of an idea has nothing whatever to do with the sincerity of the man who expresses it.


The soul is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life.


A man's very highest moment is, I have no doubt at all, when he kneels in the dust, and beats his breast, and tells all the sins of his life.


He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing.


I never approve, or disapprove, of anything now. It is an absurd attitude to take towards life. We are not sent into the world to air our moral prejudices. I never take any notice of what common people say, and I never interfere with what charming people do.


I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about.


I love acting. It is so much more real than life.


I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.


I have nothing to declare but my genius.


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