Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. Henry Ward Beecher quotes It is true that every day has its own evil, and its good too. But how difficult must life be, especially farther on when the evil of each day increases as far as worldly things go, if it is not strengthened and comforted by faith. And in Christ all worldly things may become better, and, as it were, sanctified. Theo, woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel; if I did not aim at that and possess faith and hope in Christ, it would be bad for me indeed, but no I have some courage. Vincent Van Gogh quotes Keep your faith in all beautiful things; in the sun when it is hidden, in the Spring when it is gone. Roy R. Gilson quotes I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education. Wilson Mizner quotes Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. St. Augustine quotes Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking. Kahlil Gibran quotes A better world shall emerge based on faith and understanding. General Douglas MacArthur quotes Take note, theologians, that in your desire to make matters of faith out of propositions relating to the fixity of sun and earth you run the risk of eventually having to condemn as heretics those who would declare the earth to stand still and the sun to change position -- eventually, I say, at such a time as it might be proved that the earth moves and the sun stands still. Galileo Galilei quotes Now we shall possess a right definition of faith if we call it a firm and certain knowledge of God's benevolence toward us, founded upon the truth of the freely given promise in Christ, both revealed to our minds and sealed upon our hearts through the Holy Spirit. John Calvin quotes Kind hearts are more than coronets, and simple faith than Norman blood. Alfred, Lord Tennyson quotes |