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William Saroyan quotes

US writer known for his stories celebrating the joy of living in spite of poverty, 1908-1981

The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.


I am interested in madness. I believe it is the biggest thing in the human race, and the most constant. How do you take away from a man his madness without also taking away his identity?


In those days, there was something more to the world than there is now.


In the time of your life, live - so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite variety and mystery of it.


Ignore the obvious, for it is unworthy of the clear eye and the kindly heart.


If you're alive, you can't be bored in San Francisco. If you're not alive, San Francisco will bring you to life.


If you can measure it, don't. If you can weigh it, it isn't worth the bother. It isn't what you're after. It isn't going to get it.


I was never interested in the obvious, or in the details one takes for granted, and everybody seemed to be addicted to the obvious, being astonished by it, and forever harping about the details which I had long ago weighted, measured, and discarded as irrelevant and useless.


I was a little afraid of him; not the boy himself, but of what he seemed to be: the victim of the world.


I see death as a private event, the destruction of the universe in the brain and in the senses of man, and I cannot see any man's death as a contributing factor in the success or failure of a military campaign.


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